We have now spent four weeks understanding the world of mining. The course has produced a portrait of an industry practically turning the earth, increasingly expanding, and often operating under the radar. We have learned about the omnipresence of minerals in the modern world, the many dark sides of mining and the growing political awareness of how access to minerals is key to progress.
Now we will study how the mining industry plays out in the Northern landscape. We will through the next two intensive weeks establish a catalogue on the current and future mining activities in Northern Norway. Three groups will study existing and planned mines and a fourth group will bridge the global and the local through regional mapping and speculation.
Case 1: Kiruna-Narvik + Bjørnevatn (Kirkenes, Sør-Varanger)
Case 2: Svalbard
Case 3: Bieddjovággi + Nussir (Kvalsund)
Case 4: Regional situation
Each mine case study should include spatial mapping of the mine, its infrastructure, waste deposits and urban context. Also part of each mine study should be a forecast of the possible role the mine has in a future mining region of the north. The regional study should include data on geological surveys and possible connections/synergies between the mining related activities. As always in this course: keep things open, cross fertilize and help each other through critique, input and sharing.
Monday February 13: Workshop with Kelly Doran
For this workshop all groups will have a short presentation of their work.
Wednesday February 15: Lecture with artist Lina Persson
Tuesday February 21 4PM: Deadline uploading presentations
Wednesday February 22: Presentation “Perforated Landscape”
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