Designing the reclaimed landscape
Author: Allan Berger
Reiser og ekspedisjoner i det litterære Arktis
Redaktører for antologien: Johan Chimanski, Cathrine Theodorsen, Henning Howlid Wærp
Universitetet i Tromsø
Transforming Landscapes
Recommendations based on three industrially disturbed landscapes in Europe.
Berlin 2005 av IBA
ISBN 3-9809844
Northern Experiments
The Barents Urban Survey 2009
Editors: 0047
The Two Landscapes of Northern Norway
Author; Jakob Meløe
The High North - Visions and Strategies
Report from the Norwegian Foreign Ministry
Indigenous Peoples, Human Rights, and the Environment
Lori M. Graham
Professor of Law, Suffolk University Law School
Nicole Friederichs
Practitioner-in-Residence, Suffolk University Law School