Wednesday, 29 February 2012

Lecture with Philippe Rekacewicz

Thursday March 1th,13:00 at group room 3
Be prepared for a fascinating lecture on radical cartography. Philippe Rekacewicz is Geographer and cartographer, he has just completed the work with the latest world Atlas for Le Monde.

Tuesday, 21 February 2012


Bigjovagge copper and goldmine in placed in a green rock belt in Finnmark, on the border of Troms municipality. The mine is about 2,5 km long, and is located 40 km North-East of Kautokeino. The mine has been exploting copper and gold over two periods of time, and is now planning to reopen. The first period of extraction from 1970-1975 the mine was only extracting copper. When Finish Outokumpu acquired the mine in -84 they started to extract a lot more gold, but because of the low copper price on the market they had to close down.

Today the Swedish firm Artic Gold AB has bought the mine and is planning to operate by 2013. There has been a protest from the indigenous hearding people in the area together with locals and nature environment directorate. Who will win? Will operation in of Bidjovagge take place, or will the indigenous and environmentalists be heard this time?

Regional Context

This is a story about dreamers, heroes, travellers, settlers, governors, children, adults, reindeers & forest.
This is a story about mining!
Enjoy the stories from the edge of the map...

Monday, 20 February 2012

Lina Persson: Anthropocene

Swedish artist Lina Persson visited the studio February 15 and gave an inspirational lecture about her art projects revolving around geology, minerals, history and science fiction.

Lina Persson lives and works in Stockholm and attended the Valand School of Fine Arts in Gothenburg, Sweden. She participated in exhibitions at among others IASPIS, Stockholm; Kalmar Konstmuseum; Wip:konsthall, Stockholm; The Reading Room, Bangkok; Tranströmmer Gallery, Kunming; CCA, Glasgow; MAC Santa Fe, Argentina and Akademie der kunste, igbk, Berlin; Oslo, 0047.

Avatar - Movie Night

We close Perforated landscape phase with Hollywood's take on the mining industry: James Cameron's Avatar. Bring some wine and come to 0047 in Schweigaards gate 34 D, Wednesday February 22nd 8 PM.

Friday, 17 February 2012


We are going to Kirkenes. We will visit the Bjørnevatn Mine and meet Pikene på Broen and the Barens Secretariat. More information on content soon...

The cheapest solution for plain tickets is that everybody buys their own tickets on the net. As soon as posible. SAS, Oslo - Kirkenes 7/3 8:55 and SAS, Kirkenes - Oslo 9/7 20:25, you who are over 26 years old must buy economy/low price tickets (they disappear fast) And you who are under 26 years old must buy youht tickets/ungdomsbillett (1420.- kr both ways) Help each other and make sure everybody gets this information. (if the prices you get vary a lot, I suggest that you share the expences as we talked about at school)

Accomondation costs 250 x 2 nights.

Wednesday, 15 February 2012

Operational Alternatives // Kelly Doran

After some constructive criticism of our latest work Kelly encouraged us to establish a general thesis for our projects before starting the production, test the different positions that are relevant in our project-area and visualise a selection of the most important positions, in addition to understanding the place within the region, as well as ultimately referring to each other.

We also touched upon an interesting discussion on industrialized landscapes and our role as planners; Kelly arguments that we should cooperate with the industry/companies and make the most of their (economic) resources to plan a "positive" post-industrialized landscape, which leaves something to offer the local community. The industrial tradition far too common is leaving behind abandoned "negative" sites that are dependent on public funding for a positive change to happen. 

Saturday, 11 February 2012

workshop with Kelly Doran

Operational Alternatives - Spekulative Architectures for Industrialized Landscapes

At Styrerommet, Monday februart 13, time: 10:00 - 17:00

Tuesday, 7 February 2012

Perforated landscape - next assignment

We have now spent four weeks understanding the world of mining. The course has produced a portrait of an industry practically turning the earth, increasingly expanding, and often operating under the radar. We have learned about the omnipresence of minerals in the modern world, the many dark sides of mining and the growing political awareness of how access to minerals is key to progress.
Now we will study how the mining industry plays out in the Northern landscape. We will through the next two intensive weeks establish a catalogue on the current and future mining activities in Northern Norway. Three groups will study existing and planned mines and a fourth group will bridge the global and the local through regional mapping and speculation.
Case 1: Kiruna-Narvik + Bjørnevatn (Kirkenes, Sør-Varanger)
Case 2: Svalbard
Case 3: Bieddjovággi  + Nussir (Kvalsund)
Case 4: Regional situation
Each mine case study should include spatial mapping of the mine, its infrastructure, waste deposits and urban context. Also part of each mine study should be a forecast of the possible role the mine has in a future mining region of the north. The regional study should include data on geological surveys and possible connections/synergies between the mining related activities. As always in this course: keep things open, cross fertilize and help each other through critique, input and sharing.
Monday February 13: Workshop with Kelly Doran
For this workshop all groups will have a short presentation of their work.
Wednesday February 15: Lecture with artist Lina Persson
Tuesday February 21 4PM: Deadline uploading presentations
Wednesday February 22: Presentation “Perforated Landscape”

Saturday, 4 February 2012

Follow the Ore

 World lifestyles shows a dependency of metals and minerals. Analysis of minerals production is needed to predict a trend of minerals demand with respect to supply world requirement. Because of the high demand of metals and minerals, exploration activity of metals and minerals has led to expand the areas including circumpolar area. The presences of ore is needed to be analyzed especially based on the geological processes to give more understanding of minerals distribution in terms of landscape and future exploitation.
This study will discuss how metals and minerals are formed, including ore diagenesis as source of them. Geological framework is used to explain the effect of an early earth (pangaea), plates movement, and other geological processes to understand mineral potential in the world especially in the circumpolar area that predicted having many resources of metals and minerals. Mineral production profiles and world mineral distribution are also used to predict mineral supplies and demands. Last but not least, summary and conclusion are used to help defining perfect landscape of mining exploitation and strategy especially in the circumpolar area.

Follow the Politics

The big picture - Follow the Politics

Follow the Money

The big picture, group of follow the money

Friday, 3 February 2012

Follow The Flow

We live our lives surrounded by the transformed substance of planet earth’s resources. Very often not even wondering about the compounds’ origins. We are familiar with the final stage output. We know exactly where to get them and how to use them to satisfy our ‘needs’ in a consumers world. We are not so familiar with the beginning of the mineral story. A story so very complex, complexity on complexity flow, economics, politics,hardware and greed is it so difficult to imagine the scale of it? By telling our story can we seek to illuminate the depth of the earth ? A earth that starts and finishes with human need for consumption and exploitation. Destruction, crime, desire, communication, development, dreams, tears.. Imagine the world without objects everywhere around you? What would you do? Where could you go? Every story has its origin, all our material goods are extracted or harvested from the earth crust… Would you like to know more ?

Introduction Lecture by Knut Eirik and Kjerstin