Friday, 25 May 2012

Fields of Exploration, Limits of Exploitation - AHO Works

For å få utsagnskraft i forhandlingen om framtiden må arkitekturen med sine verktøy agere i den delen av nåtiden der framtiden er i spill. Gjennom 9 hektiske vårvinteruker, der informasjon om raske endringer i det globale og økonomiske mineralbildet hele tiden kom strømmende mot oss, gjorde studioet sammen med 20 eksperter i feltet en oppdagelsesreise i overlappingen mellom forskjellige kunnskapsområder som angår mineralindustrien. Gjennom temaene Det store bilde, Det Perforerte Landskap, Det flerprogrammerte Landskap, og en samling av individuelle Refleksjoner utforsket studioet hvordan en ny versjon av Nord-Norge er i ferd med å bli unnfanget, kartlagt og beskrevet gjennom nasjonale tiltak og strategier for resursutvinning. Det oppdaget hvilket mulighetsrom Regjeringens kommende mineralstrategi bereder grunnen for og hvilket press dette legger på kultur og landskap.

The 9 week studio took off from the global appetite and dependency on metals and minerals, and related it to national initiatives and strategies for mineral extraction as they now are in the making in Northern Norway. During 2012 the Norwegian government will present its own mineral strategy. The studio aimed to unfold the social, legal and environmental implications of an increased extraction seen through the lenses of the landscape architect. Through the themes The Big Picture, the Perforated Landscape, the Multi Layered Landscape, and a collection of individual Reflections the studio discovered how a new version of the territory are being mapped, described and conceived. Mining doesn’t only denote big profits; its industry also entails large scale impacts on landscape, nature and society. The notion of actuality, on taking part in the debate and acting in the world while things are happening discusses the landscape architects agency in taking part in the shaping of futures.

Studioets første fase fokuserer på kartlegging av gruvedriftens globale systemer gjennom å bygge opp et atlas. Vi studerer drivkreftene bak gruvedrift, det økende ressursforbruket, mineralnæringens globale nettverk og infrastruktur og ser på  hvordan dette utspiller seg i sirkumpolare områder.
The first phase of the course is about mapping and building up an atlas on the global system of mining.
We will study the forces that drive mining, the increased resource consumption, mining’s global network and infrastructure and how this plays out in the circumpolar areas.

Den andre fasen bygger opp en katalog over gruvedriftens innvirkning på landskapet, nye geologiske undersøkelser, forskjellige typer gruvedrift, livssyklusen til en gruve og kortsiktige og langsiktige miljøpåvirkninger.
The second phase creates a catalogue on mining’s impact on the landscape, study new geological surveys, modes of mining, the life cycle of a mine and mining’s environmental impacts.

 I denne fasen vil vi undersøke virkningen av gruvedrift på lokalsamfunn, den overlappende arealbruk, lovverk og urfolksrettigheter og konkurrerende landskapsbruk ved å lage et magasin med kronikker.
In this phase we will examine the impact of mining on communities, the indigenous dimension, the overlapping use of land, legislation and competing activities by making a magazine of chronicles.

Basert på kunnskapsinnhenting, studiereise, samtaler og workshops med kursets lærere og eksterne eksperter formulerer studentene sine refleksjoner sammensatt av de kunnskapene som er tilført studioet. Kolleksjonen viser bredden, dybden, muligheten og konsekvensene av dette nye nasjonale initiativet i Nord-Norge.
(some reflections had big filesizes, so we had to divide the collection into 3 e boks)
Based on research, study travel, conversations and workshops with course teachers and external experts, the students formulate reflections composed of the knowledge acquired during the studio. The collection shows the breadth, depth, possibilities and impacts of this new national initiative in Northern Norway.

Sunday, 6 May 2012

Kjerstin presented the studio and student work at the AHO Conference "Landscapes of Energy"

Friday, 20 April 2012

Images of Exploration

Images from the two days of presentations for the final critique.

Final Critique, day 1: Introduction by Knut Eirik Dahl and Kjerstin Uhre

Xin Su: The Next Station Is ... Arctic!!

Irene Crowo Nielsen: DRILL DRILL DRILL...

In the audience, Patrycja and Irene 

Kjerstin and Espen planning ahead

 Ingrid Aas: Scars and masses

 Patrycja Perkiewicz: Cross-Border Mining

 Jingyuan Hu: Opportunity out of Extreme

Knut Eirik Dahl

Kit Ting Karie, Xin and Jingyuan

John Palmesino from Territorial Agency

Francisco Rodriguez Saa: Cross-Border Stories in Kvalsund

 Annabel Danson: Mineopolis

Opening day 2 of the Final Critique, Annisa Solihah: Upgrading Svalbard!

 Mathilde Grellier: Mine & City of Mine VS City 

 Hao Liang: The Northern Mining Landscape --- Type/Transformation/Reuse

Ann-Sofi Rönnskog and John Palmesino from Territorial Agency, with Knut Eirik Dahl

 Kari Havnevik: Chasing Endorsement? 

 Kit Ting Karie Yu: Kiruna on the move

Linn is warming up the crowd. Espen Røyseland and Øystein Rø in front to the right

Almost there..

Knut Eirik and Kjerstin 

Linn Riise Handal: Hidden Complexity of the Northern Landscape

Hanne Johnsrud: Confrontation Ahead

And that was the wrap of day two. 
Thanks to lecturers, professors, critiques and students for a great exploration.

Thursday, 29 March 2012

Hidden Complexity of the Northern Landscape

Chasing Endorsement?


An informative game about the possible consequences of mining, the potential for changes in the regulations given by the state and a promotion of a different kind of value-system, where several considerations are taken into account at the same time.

Brief idea of the game

A community is faced with the prospect of having a mineral industry. Many communities and people don´t know what this entails, and the game takes you through a set of events that could, and most likely would, happen if a mine opens.

Additionally there are events governed by the state, indicating changes to the current regulations, that could change the way things work significantly for different interest groups.

The goal of the game is to find a way to manage the local society, the local resources, and the operational mine sustainably at the same time. 

Wednesday, 28 March 2012

Scars and masses

Shaping the skin of the earth...

Cross-Border Stories in Kvalsund, Norway

China: The Next Station Is...Arctic!!

Opportunity out of Extreme

The Northern Mining Landscape --- Type/Transformation/Reuse


How far are we willing to go...?

Kiruna on the move

a refugee story in Northen Sweden

Cross- Border Mining

Stories of a lost freedom..

Tuesday, 27 March 2012

Final Critique Schedule

Thursday 29.03. – Lille Auditorium

Thursday 30.03. – Store Auditorium


Introduction by the teachers

Annisah Solihah (Møterom Urbanisme)





Groupworks (4): The Big Picture

Mathilde Grellier (Møterom Urbanisme)





Groupworks (6): The Perforated Landscape

Hao Liang














Xin Su

Kit Ting Karie Yu





Ingrid Aas

Kari Sanne Havnevik





Patrycja Perkiewicz

Irene Crowo Nielsen














Jingyuan Hu

Linn Riise Handal





Francisco Rodríguez Saa

Hanne Johnsrud





Annabel Danson








Notice: Before each presentation, the students shall explain their choice of investigation and how it relates to the thematics of the course. Each group must choose one representative (due to the limited amount of time) to present the entire group work.

Monday, 26 March 2012

Final Critique with John Palmesino and Ann-Sofi Rönnskog 29th - 30th March

Final Critique will be in Lille Auditorium from 10:00 Thursday and in Store auditorium from 10:00 Friday. Lecturers are invited, external Critiques will be John Palmesino and Ann-Sofi Rönnskog,Territorial Agency.

 Territorial Agency is an independent organization that promotes integrated spatial transformations. They are architects and urbanists and teach at the AA Architectural Association in London. Their research project North, which investigates the contemporary transformations of inhabited landscapes at the higher latitudes, was nominated for the Zumtobel prize for research and sustainable architecture in 2009.

Reflections should be posted on the blog Wednesday afternoon with the label "reflections" and your names.

Before/during Friday you must give us all your submissions on pdf's and your Indesign packages (with image files) on a memory stick which we can copy to the archive. This is material from the whole course for the book.

Sunday, 25 March 2012

Our studio was presented in lecture for the Mining Industry

On thursday the 22. of March Espen and Knut Eirik gave the opening lecture at the general assembly of Norsk Bergindustri (The association of the Mining Industry). They presented the way into such a master studio, and where the concept came from. Through examples of the students work in the three first themes the Big Picture, the Perforated Landscape and the Multilayered Landscape they guided the crowded audience through the works, ideas and explorations. They presented the double layer of our studio, the twenty lecturers who we have been in so many discussion with, related to the students works. And the portrayed the headlines of the works each student now is deeply into, the Reflections. The National Labour Organisation (Ellen Stensrud) and the Norwegian Industry (Knut Sunde) discussed the role of the mining industry after the lecture. The former one especially related to the upcoming National Mining Strategy.
Hanne Markussen Eek, the head of the board gave a public appraisal for our lecture and our studio works. Our studio is in this way located in the national discourse in this Field of Exploration. The images from this 30 minutes lecture you can see here.

Sunday, 18 March 2012

Thursday, 15 March 2012

Lectures by Ron Boyd

Geologist Ron Boyd of NGU (Geological Survey of Norway) gave two lectures on March 15th:
-The EU Raw Materials Initiative – seen from Norway
-Mineral resources in North Norway